A couple of bits of advice and answers to the questions you ask:
To help everyone have the best tour experience possible, please show up 5-10 minutes before your tour is scheduled to begin. This will allow everybody to get fitted on a bike and go through the safety and logistics bit, so that we can get to the fun stuff on time.
The following should answer any basic questions about the tour:
Q: What should I bring?
A: You must bring an ID that proves you are over 21 (acceptable forms of ID are current drivers license, state-issued ID, military ID, or passport). We do check this before we start. Other than that, try to travel lightly. We provide every rider with a bottle of water and a bag of local potato chips to snack on. You also might like to have a camera, sun protection, or additional water.
Q: What should I wear?
A: Dress comfortably. New Orleans is a pretty casual place, but we try to be respectful of the establishments we visit, which include everything from a restaurant, to a high end hotel bar, to a very laid back neighborhood bar. There is nothing athletic about what we do on this tour; just make sure you’re comfortable getting on and off of and riding your bike.
Q: Is it legal to drink on a bicycle?
A: Sure is. It is illegal to possess open containers of alcohol in motorized vehicles, but is perfectly legal on a bike. That said – it IS illegal to ride a bike while intoxicated. We have very carefully planned the drinking on this tour with everyone’s safety and enjoyment in mind. While we will drink throughout our tour, most people might only begin to feel a warm, fuzzy buzz by the time they finish. Only you know your own limits, so please exercise appropriate restraint. Also, we know it seems like common sense, but please show up sober and with some food in your belly.
Q: What kind of bike will I be riding?
A: As our company name implies, you’ll be on a classic style cruiser with big comfy seats and good ol’ simple back-pedal brakes.
Q: Do I have to be a good rider?
A: This tour is recommended for solid bicyle riders. In addition to the high volume of motorized and pedestrian traffic we will be riding through, there are also a couple tricky turns and a short stretch of road with streetcar tracks. If you are unable to ride a bike, we will not be able to let you take this tour.
Q: Do I have to wear a helmet?
A: Louisiana doesn’t have helmet requirement laws for adults. We offer and encourage the use of a helmet to every rider. It is, however, your decision to wear one or not.
Q: Can I take pictures on the tour?
A: Snap away whenever we are outside. Inside any establishment, please always ask for permission first.
Q: How long is the tour?
A: The tour covers approximately 5 miles over 3(ish) hours. Our tours are anything but a cookie-cutter regulated product. We tailor every tour to its participants, so things like extra stops or great group dialogue might add a few minutes here and there. Please let us know if you have any time constraints.
We look forward to meeting you in person and offering you an amazing adventure in the city we love!
Please feel free to contact us if you have any additional questions or concerns at info@confederacyofcruisers.com or 504-400-5468.
Thank you,
Your cocktail loving hosts at Confederacy of Cruisers